5%返现神卡Citi Custom Cash 信用卡 | 开卡奖励最高价值$300,清单申请再送$30!
- 无年费,开卡奖励20,000分Citi TYP积分,使用价值最高$300
- 吃饭、买菜、加油、旅行等十大消费类别之一每月前$500可获5%返现
- 前15个账单月0% APY
- 通过清单邀请链接申请再送价值$30礼品卡
Citi Custom Cash信用卡
此卡是Citi旗下对标Discover 信用卡的入门级信用卡,和Discover在不同季度搭配着用堪称绝代双骄!此卡福利和优点有(按清单君个人喜好排序):
- 开卡3个月内消费满$750可得20,000分Thank You Points (TYP),可以直接1:1兑换成现金,价值$200;也可以搭配其他Citi卡使用获得更高的使用价值,比如转点成Jetblue的里程,价值约$300
- Grocery stores(超市):比如Whole Foods、Trader Joe's、Safeway、大华等,沃尔玛、Target、CVS、Walgreens等百货超市不算在该类别内(未亲测过)。如果你常去的超市有卖Amazon礼品卡(比如亲儿子Whole Foods)且你是Amazon重度用户的话,不妨在某个月直接去超市买$500的礼品卡,间接实现了Amazon购物接近于7.5%的常年返现(按1.5X最大化价值算)!亚马逊礼品卡不仅可用于购买亚马逊上的产品,还可以购买很多商家的礼品卡,比如Uber,Whole Foods, Sephora, Nordstrom, Starbucks, Netflix, Airbnb, Hotels.com, Fandango, Seamless, Doordash, Chipotle, Dominos, Forever 21, Old Navy, Nike, JCPenney, Southwest Airline... 亚马逊的礼品卡相当于一把万能钥匙,能打开你日常生活中需要用到的商家的大门🛍 相当于你坐Uber打九五折,Airbnb订民宿打九五折,Nike打九五折,Sephora化妆品打九五折🤑
Restaurants(餐厅):线下的各类餐厅、餐厅的在线订餐网站(比如Too Good To Go)、提供预约订餐的Dining服务(比如提供米其林餐厅预约的Tock)
Gas stations (加油站)
Streaming services (Netflix、HBO Max、Disney+、Hulu等流媒体订阅服务)
Drugstores (药房):有FSA的朋友优先用FSA卡吧!
Home improvement stores (家具店):IKEA、Westelm、CB2等,不确定网站上下单是否还会被归到这个类别
Fitness clubs (健身房):纽约地区比如New York Spots Club、Equinox 等
Select travel (旅行):机票、酒店、租车、门票、Airbnb等
Select transit (公共交通):纽约地铁、MTA火车票、轮渡,每个月买个地铁月票也值
Live entertainment (演唱会/球赛):购票软件Ticketmaster、Seatgeek、纽约百老汇订票软件TodayTix 等。喜欢浪浪浪的清单君最喜欢是这个类别,因为每个月都会买些纽约地区的音乐会和NBA比赛票,其他信用卡一般都把这个类别当成Online Purchase,最多给个2%返现,用这张卡能省下不少钱。AMC的电影票或者AList订阅服务虽然是Entertainment类别,但不算Live Entertainment,只能拿1%返现
开卡前15个月消费0% APR,比如说你用买了个$1000的iPhone 14,在前15个月你可以选择每个月只还最低还款(假设$25), 第15个月后你需要把尾款一下子还清,不然就会被Citi反撸收你很贵的利息。延迟还款的现金可以放在一个年化很高的理财账户中赚利息(现在APY到超过2%了)。 这个羊毛适合手头紧张的朋友,清单君友情提醒最好在12个月后就还清尾款以防不必要的麻烦
- 无年费,是张绝对值得长期持有的神卡
- 一个人只能申请一张该卡,但可以从已有的其他Citi信用卡转卡到此卡,增加薅5%返现羊毛的概率
90天Damage & Purchase Protection(购物保护):买的东西意外受损、被偷或遗失,Citi退你钱 💪两年Extended Warranty(延保服务):买个苹果手机一年官方质保+两年延保=三年质保💯- Citi Entertainment网站上偶尔能抢到一些明星或者比赛的预售票和VIP票
- 盗刷保护:卡被偷或者被盗刷dispute一下即可,无需承担损失
- Citi Merchant Offers: 各种知名商家的返现或折扣促销优惠
- Shop With Points: 可以在Amazon、Bestbuy、CVS、PayPal上用积分支付订单,尤其是Amazon Shop With Points羊毛,偶尔有20%-50%的折扣促销出现
- 支持生成虚拟卡(Virtual Card / Virtual Account Number),在一些小网站上购物时可以利用下这个福利最小化被盗后的损失和麻烦
- 5%返现有$500/月限制,还得规划好并记着当月想要冲的消费类别。懒人版的使用方式就是默认是张吃饭卡或者买票卡。
- 有Foreign Transaction Fee (FTF),出境消费就带张无FTF的卡吧
- Citi大部分卡都砍掉了租车保险、公共交通旅行保险、24h Roadside Assistance福利,包括此卡,所以虽然可以有5%返现但是不建议用此卡订机票和租车,Amex信用卡和Chase信用卡更适合该类消费
Citi Thank You Points中文简称TYP积分,是和Chase UR积分、Amex MR积分体系三足鼎立的信用卡积分系统。可以攒 TYP 的信用卡主要有:Citi Premier 信用卡、Citi Rewards+ 信用卡 、Citi Custom Cash 信用卡、Citi Double Cash 信用卡。不同的Citi信用卡可共享一个TYP账户,也可转分给另外一个账户。
如持有 Citi Premier 信用卡TYP积分可1:1兑换成众多航司的里程分,清单君比较常用的是兑成JetBlue里程,去墨西哥、波多黎各、古巴、巴西等加勒比海/南美国家有很多航班,能用出1.5X甚至更高的价值。
即使没有Citi Premier信用卡,TYP可以1:1兑换成现金(不推荐),也可以1:1.x兑换成美国各种商家的礼品卡,比如Apple、Airbnb。大部分时候兑换礼品卡是1:1,但时不时会有促销,可以九折甚至八折兑换礼品卡。清单君建议在Black Friday和Cyber Monday那两天去兑换,如果能八折兑换Apple礼品卡相当于用出了1.25倍的积分价值。
如持有Citi Rewards+ 信用卡,兑换TYP可以有额外的10%返分,每年上限100K TYP积分兑换额。按八折兑换$100的Apple礼品卡,支付8000TYP,下单后返还800TYP,净支出7200TYP,相当于用出了1.38倍的积分价值。按照这个算法,此卡的5%返现其实有6.9%的积分价值,无需搭配年费卡,故称为神卡!
通过清单邀请链接申请我们会再送你价值$30礼品卡,列表在我们的礼品卡商城 可见,比如Whole Foods, Uber, Sephora等第三方礼品卡。2022年已有将近40个读者拿到清单$30奖励了呢!
利益相关:点击该链接会将您带往我们的合作伙伴Dealam的相关页面,点击该页面的Apply Now即可激活这个Offer并前往Citi网站申请。纽约生存清单会因此收到一定报酬,这也是我们能提供返现的原因~
- 如果你过去48个月内曾经收到过Citi Custom Cash的开卡奖励,就不要再浪费HP来申请了
- 【8/65 Rule】Citi 8天内最多只能申请1张卡,65天内最多只能申请2张卡,无论是否通过
- Citi比较看重近期Hard Pull,推荐6个月内Hard Pull数量小于6个的时候申请
Includes purchases at cafes, bars, lounges and fast food restaurants. Excludes purchases at bakeries, caterers, restaurants located inside another business (such as hotels, stores, stadiums, grocery stores, or warehouse clubs) and third party dining delivery services.
Gas Stations
Excludes gasoline purchases at warehouse clubs, discount stores, convenience stores or other merchants that do not use the gas station merchant category code.
Grocery Stores
Includes purchases at supermarkets, meat/seafood stores, dairy stores, bakeries, and miscellaneous food/convenience stores. Excludes purchases at general merchandise/discount superstores; wholesale/warehouse clubs; candy, nut and confectionery stores. Purchases made at online supermarkets or with grocery delivery services also do not qualify if the merchant does not classify itself as a supermarket by using the supermarket merchant category code.
Select Travel
Includes airline, hotel, cruise line and travel agency purchases. Excludes timeshares, boat leases and rentals, campgrounds and trailer parks, and real estate agencies.
Select Transit
Includes car rentals, ferries, commuter railways, subways, taxis/limousines/car services, passenger railways, bridge and road tolls, parking lots/garages, bus lines, and motor home and recreational vehicle rentals. Excludes bike/scooter rentals, auto clubs and insurance companies.
Select Streaming Services
Includes the following cable, satellite, and streaming providers: Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Music, Apple Music, CBS All Access, Disney+, AT&T TV NOW, ESPN+, fuboTV, HBO Max, NBA League Pass, Netflix, Pandora, Showtime, Sling TV, Spotify, Starz, SiriusXM, Vudu, YouTube Red, YouTube TV, and Tidal.
The above names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and could be changed at any time. The owners of the above marks do not endorse Citibank N.A.’s services, and are not otherwise affiliated with Citibank, N.A. or any of its related entities.
Includes purchases made at pharmacies in grocery stores, general merchandise/discount superstores, and wholesale/warehouse clubs if those merchants submit purchases made in their pharmacy with the drug store and pharmacy merchant category code.
Home Improvement Stores
Includes purchases at home supply warehouse stores, lumber and building materials stores, paint and wallpaper stores, hardware stores, nurseries – lawn and garden supply stores and paints, varnishes and supplies stores. Excludes florists and florists’ supply stores; nursery stock; wholesale construction stores; and glass stores.
Fitness Clubs
Includes membership fee and other purchases at athletic, sports and recreation facilities requiring membership such as health, tennis, and swimming clubs. Excludes fees associated with virtual services for home exercise equipment, personal monitoring devices, or fitness streaming classes.
Live Entertainment
Includes ticket purchases for live entertainment, including: concerts, live sporting events, live theatrical productions, amusement parks, and orchestras. Excludes: charitable organizations that provide live entertainment (benefits), sporting camps, sports complexes where you participate in the sport, public and private golf courses, country clubs (including membership fees), bowling alleys, movie theaters, tourist attractions, museums and art galleries.
Merchant Classification for Rewards Categories – Merchants are assigned a merchant category code (“MCC”), which is determined in accordance with Visa/Mastercard/American Express procedures based on the kinds of products and services the merchants primarily sell. We don’t control the assignment of these codes and are not responsible for the codes used by merchants. When you use your card to make a purchase, we’re provided an MCC for that purchase. We group similar merchant codes into categories for purposes of identifying your spend category. Sometimes you may expect a purchase to fit within a rewards category, but if the code assigned to the merchant wasn’t grouped into that category, your purchase amount will not be included in the spend for that billing cycle. For example, your purchase amount would not be included in the restaurant category for purchases at a restaurant located within a retailer if the restaurant is assigned a “retailer” code instead of a “restaurant” code. Please also note – purchases made through mobile/wireless technology may not be included in the anticipated category depending on how the technology is set up to process the purchase. We reserve the exclusive right to determine in which category purchases are placed.
You’ll earn points for purchases using your Card Account, minus returns and refunds. Balance transfers, cash advances, checks that access your Card Account, items returned for credit, unauthorized charges, interest and account fees, traveler’s checks, foreign currency purchases, money orders, wire transfers (and similar cash-like transactions), lottery tickets and gaming chips (and similar betting transactions) do not earn ThankYou Points.
一个人只能申请一张,但可以从其他Citi卡转卡获得多张Citi Custom Cash卡。
根据网上数据点最高有30K TYP,通常是20K TYP积分。