【2023最新】Discover信用卡第三季度加油和Digital Wallets怎么用
看过我们北美留学生必备神卡之Discover it信用卡 | 最高$130开卡奖励!(如果还没申请还不抓紧!) 一文的同学想必对Discover的福利并不陌生,一年四季度每季度都有一些消费门类可以拿到5%返现,如果是第一年开卡,因为可以拿到两倍返现所以返现力度达到了10%也就是九折的夸张地步。由于Discover的返现能按1~1.25倍的比例兑换很多商家的礼品卡,比如$40返现能兑换$50 Nike礼品卡,所以其最大化使用价值应该按12.5%算。 今天清单君就来分享解读下2023年第三季度Discover消费门类的正确使用方式。
从七月到九月末,使用Discover信用卡在加油站消费和使用Apple Pay、Google Pay等Digital Wallet支付方式付款都能获得5%返现,在这两个门类的消费封顶$1500,也就是说最多能拿到1500*5%=75美元返现(如果是第一年开卡,10%返现则是150美元)。在美国如果拿$1500去投资,大部分时候根本找不到有年化5%的无/低风险理财产品,所以如果你能最大化利用这个福利,相当于买到了一个年化5%的无风险理财产品!
Activate to earn 5% Cashback Bonus at Gas Stations and with Digital Wallets from 7/1/23 (or the date on which you activate 5%, whichever is later) through 9/30/23, on up to $1,500 in purchases. Gas Station purchases include those made at merchants classified as places that sell automotive gasoline that can be bought at the pump or inside the station, and public electric vehicle charging stations. Gas Stations affiliated with supermarkets, supercenters, and wholesale clubs may not be eligible. Digital Wallet purchases include some online purchases and some in-store purchases made with your smartphone, tablet, or wearable. Wallets that qualify include Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Garmin Pay and in store with Google Pay. Apple Pay transactions included in this offer are transactions made in-store or online when using the Apple Pay button. Listed merchants are in no way sponsoring or affiliated with this program. Certain third-party payment accounts and digital wallet transactions may not earn 5% if Discover does not receive sufficient transaction detail for the purchase to be identified as being through a digital wallet. Discover does not determine the transaction details it receives for purchases. Using digital wallets to make purchases at gas stations will only earn a total of 5%.
Digital Wallets门类包括:在线/实体店使用Apple Pay、Samsung Pay、Garmin Pay 、Google Pay付款,不包括PayPal、Venmo等数字钱包app。这个门类可用场景其实非常广,美国的超市、零售店、咖啡店、餐厅、地铁公交、外卖apps、各种商家的自营app很多都支持Apple Pay和Google Pay,所以第三季度可以好好利用这个门类!
去Whole Foods等超市可以买到各大商家的礼品卡(包括Amazon礼品卡),BestBuy也可以在线买到很多商家的礼品卡,其实就间接实现了美国大部分商家购物至少5% OFF!由于Discover第四季度是万年不变的Amazon消费,一般建议大家不要在第三季度时囤太多Amazon礼品卡,除非你处于第一年开卡期内,由于你能拿到10%返现,小编个人建议囤满你常用的礼品卡,毕竟这种bug折扣一张卡只能拿一次。